Phoenix Sonoran Preserve has been calling my name, I finally answered it. All started off fast and smooth and then got to climbing, enjoyed it kind of, was actually a little difficult for me in a way. Great views from on top and then it was down and back up the next mountain and then an easy ride around the hillside. As I got a mile from the car I heard that hissing only a leaky tire can make. I was flat instantly and looking for the issue a tear in the sidewall and one on the tread. I have noticed the quality on my Maxis Ikons kind of falling off. I have leaky sidewalls despite being Tubless tires, luckily I have still rode out the last three tires to their worn out death despite it. This tour however was only 2 months old. Close enough to the car I just walked to it, no complaints here, I haven't walked to the car in years.