It was a bit chilly on the beginning but as soon as I popped over the hill I had the glorious sun warming my bones. It was a really really nice day, birds chirping and I was feeling good. I had to do an out and back on the the trail I rode in on since cobblestone was closed. No big deal as I climbed back up and onto fresh trial. I continued up the switchbacks and then back down and over to Bobs basin. On the downhill the tire went very very low, I have no clue why since I run high pressure maybe it burped I dunno but after filling it with air it never lost air again. Pretty straight forward ride up fink again and headed for the car on a fun run back!
Sunday, March 29, 2015
So relieved when my wife said i did not have to go out massively early for my Saturday ride, and thank goodness cause we were up till 12:30am watching Interstellar. Still groggy allergy filled tired eyes opened at 7am and I popped out of bed and off I went. I was driving North left with the decision to ride some Boblsed or go up to Park City. I chose Park City of course and headed for the Glenwild Trails and Bobs Basin. I have fond memories to my first rides in Park City here, also a few with my lovely wife. It's a worn in trail system that's pretty good, a lot chunkier than I remember. I knew some trails were closed earlier in the week and maybe they would be open so I started my ride out to Cobblestone area. Climbing was nice and easy and my legs were unaffected from the rides prior to this one.
Friday Morning
With a itch to ride I woke up early, it was rough that I had a horrid night of sleep of like 4 hours but that was not enough to stop be from leaving the door before 5am. I had my goal of 20+ miles of Corner Canyon and covering the Maple Hollow area trails and everything else after. I was amazed to fine two runners in the parking lot while I was getting ready, I was not the only nut out there at 5am on a Friday morning.
I started my ride the normal route and then rode shoreline west to make my way to Oak Hollow to Ann's. I was glad to was in the 40s and my long sleeves and shorts was just right as I made a comfy climb up the mountain. Then things levels out and had a nice nice ride down Anns and then a climb up Clarks. I think I still prefer climbing Canyon Hollow but Clarks is always a good route too. Off to Eagle Crest and 90 minutes into my ride the sky was finally turning gray and my light would be going off soon. Still undecided of my exact route I ended up with the more mellow option which avoided the beginning of the Maple Hollow DH trail but I would attack it from a lower elevation. Catching air on the Maple Hollow felt funny on my bike and I was on egg shells trying to soak up the bumps and rattler with no suspension but I got down just fine.
Then a ride up potato hill just to ride more trail and over to Canyon Hollow and a rip down Ghost Falls to Rattler. It was then that I was at the three hour mark and should probably be heading home to help out. Phone said 26 miles in three hours, not a bad pull that will do.
Got down to business riding my bike when I could and that turned out to be Tuesday. I set off in the daylight and was so happy to be out there. With all of corner canyon open and a fresh rain the day before the dirt was oh so prime and good. I was hammering out there and feeling good so I decided to put the gas pedal down and really tore down Ghost Falls. It felt really good to push myself and the bike, I am pretty reserved usually and forget how much skill I actually have. This ride was good, climbing Clarks and Canyon Hollow was familiar but refreshing. Loving the bike so much, but so fearful I will break it, I really need to come up with another 500$ so I can buy a Kona Unit that will carry frame and for warranty.....I wish it was't like this but sadly I have broken a frame every year for the last 5 years.....
Saturday, March 21, 2015
I was not crazy about waking up at 4:50am after falling asleep around 12:30am but oh well I wanted to ride no one forced me to. I was out the door quickly since I wanted to head a little north to get a run on shoreline. The real gem for me is after Dry Creek the trail gets good but otherwise the ride is pretty bland. None the less its a ride thats dear to my heart and enjoy it every time. It was dark at 5:30am as I got going, but the air was warm and I was feeling somewhat good. I decided to take a trail around red butte gardens I have not taken in some time, mostly cause it's a stiff climb but I walked a little this time without gears and all but enjoyed adding it to the mix. As i was strolling along in the dark I saw a person, he was standing in place as he lit up in my light and had a real spooky blank look on his face, it really freaked me out and honestly as I rode past I was prepared for him to stop me and possibly assault me, thats how strange this dude was looking. Luckily he never moved as he stared me down and I kept looking back for the next few miles in creepy zombie mode I put myself in. It was not pleasurable as I climbed up Dry Creek remembering that guy who kidnapped the Smart girl use to live there. I had no company to be found this morning, I was the only one out in desperation getting the trails to myself. I was pretty bummed as it was so dark as I made it to Bobsled, the light was running until I was done and making my way through the neighborhood. It was a straight forward crank from there, and hit the car at a perfect two hour ride and called it good.
Corner Canyon Friday
With incredible weather I was anxious for my next ride and luckily it would come in the way of another daylight ride! Knowing all the trails are now open I was looking forward to putting down tire on that familiar dirt. Arriving to the parking lot the place was bumping on a Friday at 1pm. There was no lack of each user group from beaters without helmets, to full face helmeted endure bros with go pros riding tame trails, and also those strange men who feel the need to dress up in ridiculously goofy looking uniforms with stupid brands and logos written all over them like they're some sort of champion. Ok I am a hater I know, I am not proud of it, I fall somewhere in the mix, a dude who can rip a downhill on my rigid harder than most can on they 160mm trail bikes until the trail gets chunky.
Climbing I was feeling weak and powerless from the beginning, I got stuck behind a group of 4 as soon as I got going and I lurked behind quietly until I could find the tiniest of places to pass, I usually annoy somebody until they let me by, I fell obnoxious by yelling to others in front of me so I just linger and wait until they let me by. I was already missing the quietness that has been this winter while I mostly had the place to myself. This is a tough realization of the months to come as I have to share the trails with masses of the population and I guess that's fine, just a little less peaceful sometimes. I was set on maybe 20 miles of riding, as I rounded the top of my climb I headed over to Eagle Crest in hope to escape the crowd and it worked. I was eventually faced with the choice to ride the Maple Hollow DH trail but instead opted for a more frame friendly trail. Such a good run down to Ann's and kept going until I was back climbing the canyon up Canyon Hollow. Hitting the summit was pretty easy and still not great feeling legs I was climbing just fine.
Headed over to Ghost falls on a good tear, somewhat missing my full suspension but doing just fine as I rolled down and made a few more loops and hit my goal of 20 miles in 2.15 of riding. Good deal for dead legs.
Herriman Tuesday
Another Tuesday came and went, Landon went to school and I found myself anxious to ride as usual and after dropping him off I went for a go at the Herriman trails. I was surprised to find my legs full functional after last weeks miles and I was thankful. It was a straight forward standard loop on this trip, I must say I have already grown bored with the trail system but still happy to be able to ride anything really. The trails have not smoothed out much this spring like I had hoped, they're still very bumpy from lack of riders. Closing out the final loop the cranks felt funny and upon looking down my crank arm was making its way off. I was pretty surprised it made it as far as it did, luckily shimano uses pinch bolts to secure the crank so I won't need new cranks like this other junk cranks I have owned.
When I was picking up Landon up from class he spent a few minutes playing with Dad's bike, I took a few pictures of his cuteness!

When I was picking up Landon up from class he spent a few minutes playing with Dad's bike, I took a few pictures of his cuteness!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Klondike Bluffs
This ride was sadly going to mark my last ride in the Moab area. I was all packed up and headed north and would stop at the Klondike Bluff trails for just one more sweet ride. It would be another set of trails to navigate for my first time with no clue what to ride so I decided I would make a perimeter loo[ on the joint. It was a vast trail system with many options, it used one hillside which made things make more sense what went up and what went down. I was planned to ride a straight shot trail called Dino out to the far end on the trails but was distracted by a trail named Jurassic which was a mess of fun. It was so flat Jurassic and was really fun ripping on my bike as it would around the hillside. I was left with the option to continue or hit Dino and I chose to hit Dino and was surprised to find another fairly flat quick trial. Again each trail was very unique and had a lot of fun built right into it involving the features of the land. Dino was longer than I expected but still making good time I hit Home and quickly the trail took a pretty good climb up the hill.
Homer ended soon and I was on Alaska which offered no end in sight for my legs as I started to feel them fatigue but plenty of power left. Alaska was a tough climb but hitting the top was a real treat. Off to the left was the Bluff, a huge valley lay below like a giant half pipe facing the La Sal Mountains. It was incredible as the trail wound the ridge, I wish I had more time to cherish it but was using my time limit to be home by five. I had to skip a lot of fun trails but stayed on the perimeter idea and eventually had to bail due to time. I was on a trail called EKG that was driving me nuts dropping and climbing and low on steam I bailed on it and took Dino all the way back to the car. I was pretty wiped but cleaned another good tour of a popular Moab riding area, what a trip. I was not that ready to go home but I had filled my quota and had a good quick trip. Loved this trip, cannot wait for the others to come!

Homer ended soon and I was on Alaska which offered no end in sight for my legs as I started to feel them fatigue but plenty of power left. Alaska was a tough climb but hitting the top was a real treat. Off to the left was the Bluff, a huge valley lay below like a giant half pipe facing the La Sal Mountains. It was incredible as the trail wound the ridge, I wish I had more time to cherish it but was using my time limit to be home by five. I had to skip a lot of fun trails but stayed on the perimeter idea and eventually had to bail due to time. I was on a trail called EKG that was driving me nuts dropping and climbing and low on steam I bailed on it and took Dino all the way back to the car. I was pretty wiped but cleaned another good tour of a popular Moab riding area, what a trip. I was not that ready to go home but I had filled my quota and had a good quick trip. Loved this trip, cannot wait for the others to come!
Hello Captain Ahab
It's dark as I awoke in my tent, I lift up my loaner pillow in my sleeping bag from the hotel outside my spot, the phone says 6:20. I feel pretty rested and was thankful for that since today was going to be a long day on the bike. I rest a few minutes to reflect my battle plan for the day, a mix of trails to maximize miles and adventure but mostly focused around Captain Ahab. Rolling out of the bag it was cold, but I was ready with all my gear right at my side to assure the quickest time to the trail. Exiting the tent there was just a hint of gray as to the start of the day and I was excited to watch the dessert come to life in front of my eyes.
Geared up the car and off I went with an idea of where to park but no certainty I was winding along a road called Kane Creek running right along the almighty gracious Colorado River. Still pretty dark I keep an eye out for the trailhead, I hit a few duds but continue on up the road assured I had not yet passed it. Theres a huge lot on the right, this is the spot! I get out of the car and snap my first two pictures, theres one car in the lot and it looks like it is going to be just the way I like it, quiet!
The air is cool and my adrenaline surging, I begin a cozy climb up the road to the Amasa Back Trail a popular jeep trail where my journey begins. I found single track dropping down and through a small river and up I went. It was offered doubletrack for a little and then sweet relief when I hit the Hymasa trail that wound up near the Amasa Back but offered bikers a more fun way up.
So far I was not winded, I was armed with my new rigid single speed and was finding Moab to be a breeze on it, a weapon I would not have normally brought due to the amount of rough rock but being my only bike I was so glad I had no choice. The place was lighting up in orange, it was absolutely stunning view for my eyes, I was in blissful joy as I climbed on in the setting. I passed the midway point for Ahab and I kept on going until I peaked a flattish area and got my first glimpse of the sun. I could see the land surrounding me and was taken away by the scenery, this place is incredible, I need to come here more often.
I had reached the end of Hymasa and was now going to ride the 4x4 road down a little to the next trial called Pot Hole Arch Trail. It was pretty straight forward ride down the ridge and was making great time and loving this ride as I hit Pot Hole it was a short ride along slick rock that offered tons of grip and fun. I hit a dead end and did not even know I was at the Arch, it was pretty small but very unique. I hiked above it and caught a view over the Colorado. I wish I spent more time sitting there but I was tight on time. Got my pictures and off I went backtracking the way I came. When I arrived to a trail option called Rock Stacker I was nervous I would burn too much leg before reaching Ahab and it had warning signs all over warning of its serious nature. I was hesitant but once I got into it I hit a really hard to ride spot and questioned pressing on. The trail mellowed as I went on and I really wanted to add this loop to the ride so I pressed on. I never encountered anything that bad after that initial obstacle, this was going to work! It was over before I knew it and I headed back on the 4x4 to the top of Captain Ahab.
Still not a biker or person to be found I was thrilled to have it to myself. Ahab started off pretty tough on my legs but it was nothing I could not manage. It went up and down and all around and was pretty fun but by now I was ready for a good DH. I would not get it until the midway point things started dropping pretty good. The last section as the most fun as you wind along the riverside on narrow twisty single track. It came to an end quicker than I expected as I found quite a few bikers beginning their climb up Hymasa and they had a chat with me and I was off. I was stoked out of my mind this ride went so well, I thought I would burn out somewhere but I was ready for my next ride.

Geared up the car and off I went with an idea of where to park but no certainty I was winding along a road called Kane Creek running right along the almighty gracious Colorado River. Still pretty dark I keep an eye out for the trailhead, I hit a few duds but continue on up the road assured I had not yet passed it. Theres a huge lot on the right, this is the spot! I get out of the car and snap my first two pictures, theres one car in the lot and it looks like it is going to be just the way I like it, quiet!
The air is cool and my adrenaline surging, I begin a cozy climb up the road to the Amasa Back Trail a popular jeep trail where my journey begins. I found single track dropping down and through a small river and up I went. It was offered doubletrack for a little and then sweet relief when I hit the Hymasa trail that wound up near the Amasa Back but offered bikers a more fun way up.
So far I was not winded, I was armed with my new rigid single speed and was finding Moab to be a breeze on it, a weapon I would not have normally brought due to the amount of rough rock but being my only bike I was so glad I had no choice. The place was lighting up in orange, it was absolutely stunning view for my eyes, I was in blissful joy as I climbed on in the setting. I passed the midway point for Ahab and I kept on going until I peaked a flattish area and got my first glimpse of the sun. I could see the land surrounding me and was taken away by the scenery, this place is incredible, I need to come here more often.
I had reached the end of Hymasa and was now going to ride the 4x4 road down a little to the next trial called Pot Hole Arch Trail. It was pretty straight forward ride down the ridge and was making great time and loving this ride as I hit Pot Hole it was a short ride along slick rock that offered tons of grip and fun. I hit a dead end and did not even know I was at the Arch, it was pretty small but very unique. I hiked above it and caught a view over the Colorado. I wish I spent more time sitting there but I was tight on time. Got my pictures and off I went backtracking the way I came. When I arrived to a trail option called Rock Stacker I was nervous I would burn too much leg before reaching Ahab and it had warning signs all over warning of its serious nature. I was hesitant but once I got into it I hit a really hard to ride spot and questioned pressing on. The trail mellowed as I went on and I really wanted to add this loop to the ride so I pressed on. I never encountered anything that bad after that initial obstacle, this was going to work! It was over before I knew it and I headed back on the 4x4 to the top of Captain Ahab.
Still not a biker or person to be found I was thrilled to have it to myself. Ahab started off pretty tough on my legs but it was nothing I could not manage. It went up and down and all around and was pretty fun but by now I was ready for a good DH. I would not get it until the midway point things started dropping pretty good. The last section as the most fun as you wind along the riverside on narrow twisty single track. It came to an end quicker than I expected as I found quite a few bikers beginning their climb up Hymasa and they had a chat with me and I was off. I was stoked out of my mind this ride went so well, I thought I would burn out somewhere but I was ready for my next ride.
A Bike Trip
I have been itching all winter to go down south to ride the famous trails down there. I have ridden a few in St George and a few in Moab but that was years ago and a lot has changed since then. I hinted to my wife last week that I wanted to go down to Moab for just one night and I was nervous to ask but loved the thought of pulling it off. Well on Thursday the stars aligned and I was clear for leaving 2pm on Friday for the 3.5 hour journey. I was crazy with excitement and could not believe this was really happening!
I got a little late start with some traffic and had made plans to ride in the dark if it meant one more ride this trip. I originally made plans to ride the M.O.A.B. Brand trails but decided to ride north of them at a trail system I picked randomly called the Klonzo trails. Arriving to the trailhead there were just a few cars and after checking out the trail map I had no idea what I was in for. The climb out of the parking lot was mellow, a mix of dirt, rock and awesome! This was unlike anything I have ever ridden, the dessert surrounding the trails was absolutely incredible! The sun was setting and the lighting became amazing, I was feeling euphoria at it's maximum as I rode the trails with a smile on my face.
Luckily there was a trail sign at every single intersection which meant I spent way less time trying to figure out where I was and where to go. Each trail was hand built for bikes by bikers form what I can tell, a really top notch system that had such flow and the landscape was pretty gentle which was a good way to start the trip. I ended up on a trail called Graviton which was the highlight of the trail system that evening. Then took borderline and headed for the southern end of the trails across from where I parked the car. I found another array of incredible trails, I can't believe I have been missing this I kept repeating in my head, this was the Moab I was looking for.
I spent a good hour on the southern end as the sun set on the dessert in spectacular fashion. Oh what a treat this was I replayed in my head over and over. After a bland run on a trail called Houdini I rode a lot of trails but it was dark now and my headlamp went on and I closed out the ride with just a little over two hours of riding.
In a rush to the campsite I got my spot and setup quick and off I ran into a quiet sleepy town of Moab for dinner. I ended up at Pasta Jay's which I have not tried yet, the food was ok, had a Chicken Parmesan and it did the trick but was far from a delicious meal. With a full belly and nothing left to do but go rest in the tent until the next morning when I would attempt the infamous Captain Ahab trail.
I got a little late start with some traffic and had made plans to ride in the dark if it meant one more ride this trip. I originally made plans to ride the M.O.A.B. Brand trails but decided to ride north of them at a trail system I picked randomly called the Klonzo trails. Arriving to the trailhead there were just a few cars and after checking out the trail map I had no idea what I was in for. The climb out of the parking lot was mellow, a mix of dirt, rock and awesome! This was unlike anything I have ever ridden, the dessert surrounding the trails was absolutely incredible! The sun was setting and the lighting became amazing, I was feeling euphoria at it's maximum as I rode the trails with a smile on my face.
Luckily there was a trail sign at every single intersection which meant I spent way less time trying to figure out where I was and where to go. Each trail was hand built for bikes by bikers form what I can tell, a really top notch system that had such flow and the landscape was pretty gentle which was a good way to start the trip. I ended up on a trail called Graviton which was the highlight of the trail system that evening. Then took borderline and headed for the southern end of the trails across from where I parked the car. I found another array of incredible trails, I can't believe I have been missing this I kept repeating in my head, this was the Moab I was looking for.
I spent a good hour on the southern end as the sun set on the dessert in spectacular fashion. Oh what a treat this was I replayed in my head over and over. After a bland run on a trail called Houdini I rode a lot of trails but it was dark now and my headlamp went on and I closed out the ride with just a little over two hours of riding.
In a rush to the campsite I got my spot and setup quick and off I ran into a quiet sleepy town of Moab for dinner. I ended up at Pasta Jay's which I have not tried yet, the food was ok, had a Chicken Parmesan and it did the trick but was far from a delicious meal. With a full belly and nothing left to do but go rest in the tent until the next morning when I would attempt the infamous Captain Ahab trail.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Tuesday Morning
Landon was off to school in the morning and after I dropped him off I headed to the Herriman trials for a ripper. The legs were a bit dead being two weeks off the bike and last nights single speeding. But I was pressing on and had 90 minutes to turn cranks. The trails are definitely chunky out there, I was getting jarred around but nothing some more bike riding can't fix. Conditions were great as I passed some snow patches and frozen ground and cleared the fire break trail with ease. The off to Black Ridge it was all standard and passed by the spot were the kona bit the dust, felt too familiar of that day as I rode by. My legs were drained but pressed on for the last loop and hit the car and saw that I made some serious time on this ride. I guess I can squeeze more miles with my time on this hot rod.
My oh My
The new frame is mounted up and the stars aligned when the bike shop hooked me up and had it rolling same day I brought them all my parts, big thanks to John at Bingham Cycles in Sandy Utah! I could not believe after the drama with my full suspension bike being completely ready but a missing adapter for the rear brake allowing me not to ride it. Driving home I had an insane amount of excitement to ride it that evening. It was a warm toasty day and the alpenglow was rocking out and after I gave the boy a bath and sent him to bed, papa went out!
As I unloaded the bike and got going on dirt road I remember why I love these things, no bob as I pedal, no gears to fiddle with just pure in sync with the bicycle. The bike felt absolutely fantastic, I wish I could describe in technical detail the aspects of the bike but all I can say is it rips! I had a few personal records and I was way off the gas, what a difference.

As I unloaded the bike and got going on dirt road I remember why I love these things, no bob as I pedal, no gears to fiddle with just pure in sync with the bicycle. The bike felt absolutely fantastic, I wish I could describe in technical detail the aspects of the bike but all I can say is it rips! I had a few personal records and I was way off the gas, what a difference.
Monday, March 9, 2015
It's in my hands!
My frame has arrived, more detail pics to come soon but it's here and if all goes well I will be riding SS Rigid tonight!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Belltown USA
Oooooooohhhhhhhwwwwweeeeee! It's done, its packed and shipped and on it's way. Tracking has not shown the package yet but I have the number and cannot wait to find out just when it is going to arrive. I believe in my mind it can be here by Friday so we can get it together and get me back out on the trails. Luckily for me some bad weather has set in so I am not going silly without my bike. Fingers crossed I will be ripping this weekend! Bob with Belltown bikes build a mighty fine bike and is a great person to be in business with, good to know he had my back on this one and got it built for me this winter.
Bad Tuesday
With a few days rest on the leggers the plan was a Tuesday ride while my boy was in sensory class. After dropping him off I anxiously headed for the the trails and off I went on a cool beautiful Utah morning. Went up the fire break trail and made my onto black ridge and pop! Look down and something was not right, take a look around and there it is, a gaping mass of space in the seat tube. Agghhhhhh I was so mad I kicked the bike, I am so tired of cracking these damn things I was pissed and acting like a child but the reality on the long walk back to the car was it was a good thing it happened when I was climbing. I had seen a tanuki snapped at a bike shop two years ago and wondered if I would ever meet that doom and figured I would, but I made it pretty far. Now who knows what Kona will do with the warranty, I am the original owner etc and should be interesting how this all goes down. Pretty bummed to be out of bikes but the custom frame would be arriving soon and I might be two weeks off the bike. I have had a good run so far in 2015 and two or so weeks off is not a life ender. I hope this bike can get resolved quick and effectively since I am not in the position to invest in parts and bikes right now fingers crossed Kona takes good care of me.
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