Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Honeybee Semi Fail
Ok so Honey Bee, debated riding this trail, lots of green but very popular, if I was going for easy I was going for miles. Another courageous start and on trail at 5:30. Dropped into the network and pedaled my way along very cool low lying forested single track. This area must get a lot of water since there were little mini forests along the way that were like no other place. Very scenic and distracting as the sun rose over the Mt Lemmon and illuminated the trail. Things were going good and by mile 9 it was looking like 20 miles in two hours was going to be breezy. I was going to have to cut out a loop but I was tempted and took a little sample of it, dropped down a section and felt a rim strike, very odd since I run plenty PSI for that not to happen. Then the tire went low. Then that feeling of oh crap, had a large hole in the tire. Turned the bike upside down and got working. The hole was too big for Stans and tube was my way out. I did something very dumb, I didn't clear and cactus needles from the tire before installing my tube. I heard the tire hissing as I filled my tube and thought that was odd and then realized what I just done. Filled it up anyway and thought maybe stans could seal it since a tube was in. I was wrong, I pedaled for about 5 minutes till it went flat. Now I was in trouble, 10 miles from the car I took the tube out and patched it. Same thing air hissing, I did everything I could to dry the tube from the stans which sucked tremendously as I used my sock to dry and then the patch kit to sand. I could find no reason why the patch failed. I patched again anyway. Got 5 minutes down the trail and yet again patch didn't hold. Repeated two more times until I reached a trail junction where I would try yet again to patch. Now worried but knowing I could hitch a ride off the first road where bikers would be passing me in their vehicles not left with a 2 hour hike out. As I was putting another patch of of the 10 people that rode by someone did stop and ask me if they could help. I felt like a total beater since I have never failed at tube patches but this time multiple fails. I told him if this last patch didn't hold I would take him up on his tube. Sure enough it would not hold, I thanked him kindly as he handed me his tube, karma came to me as I have down for others the same. Put that tube in and some reason expected it not to work but it held air beautifully and instead of going back to enjoying the awesome trail I went down the dirt road so I could get help if I had another tire failure. Sure enough it held air as I chugged down the road and then pavement to the car. Quite relived to get out of that one. I missed a lot of trail but sure was happy to have pedaled back to the car. Lesson learned, time to carry tire plug kit.

Fantasy Island Rip
Onwards to Sunday and another early start on the trial before 6am. Beating the morning sun by a few minutes sure helps but I wish I could sooner but 5am is early enough to wake up for me. This trail was going to be interesting, a noodle web of trails and me trying to hit it all in one shot. Turns out I did pretty dang good. Started off on the one way Lone Cactus and sure wondered why it got that name. This place has been established by bikers and it showed. Lots of craft names and items along twisty mellow trails. It made for interesting sights and in my head wondering what was coming next after one creative monument or artwork after another. The trail was very easy and mellow, I was not complaining. After 2.5 hrs and 24 miles I had hit 100% they did a good job organizing loops so they all connected efficiently. No trail really stuck out to me, they all had unique characteristics but found myself missing Starr Pass but not complaining.

Starr Pass and More
Ok so round 1, set the alarm early, was on trail by 5:45, had a game plan in mind to hit a loop on Starr Pass and then head out on another loop. I got pedaling I was feeling pretty good, fresh legs and the trail started off lots of rocks, then it mellowed and aw wrong turn but on tight trail and headed towards the mountain. The hit a smoother faster section and headed thru a cool spot and then rode really pleasant trail around the mountain, really good stuff and the headed thru the Starr Pass and the trail got even better. Expecting rocky and loose I got got twisty and fun! I made the loop and then it was off to Explorer, the first black trail of the morning. That was a tough technical climb but one that could put a smile on your face. Once it peaked out it was a ok ride down on loose rock. The Robles to Ledge Surfer to Camaro to Bittersweet to Cascabel, and so on. All great mix of trials and each one very indue and very good. I can say this ride has it all and was very very good. Good start to the trip!

My Inlays made it into town Thursday and we are off to Phoenix Friday. I had the morning free and went off nice an early in the morning for some less visited terrain. I was looking for 20 miles and it's always an easy goal to accomplish that out there. I was thinking of something different but went with my normal and even on this ride I found myself bored. I need to get up to Flagstaff or Sedona soon, I have no idea how I can but I keep trying to picture it. I got a decent spin around the place and hit the car with my goal. Off to Tucson and excited for somewhat new scenery.
Monotony at San Tan
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Evening Stroll
Ambition bit when my wife was overloaded with school work, leaving me with more free time than normal so out I went for a night ride. A nice cranka round Usery and a solid hour of good trail. Heading to Tucson Friday hope to get 1 or 2 rides in while I am there, wish it was flagstaff but I will take it!
Desert Canal Cranking
Some reason it came over me to ride out on the canals with the road bike, perhaps the need for something new and a little exercise, it was a good cruise, I liked it.
Un Fun Usery
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Sun Setting on Gold
So I went camping with my boy friday in Payson, we had a great experience and when we came home Saturday I really didn not need as ride but decided to ask anyway. Momma agreed to take me boy at 5:45 and that left me with the best time of the day and some pedal time on a new trail at Gold Canyon named Hoo Doo. Knowing it was a challenging trail only I had nto much to expect, it quickly turned into a riot! Steep climb and I was rendered useless on a few corners and rocks, my lack of suspensiona nd gears rarely renders me useless but this trail got me a few times. It was an absolute blast and like nothing I have ever rode. Quite challenged but so stoked on the trail it was over too soon just under a mile. This is an impressive addition to the trail system, can't wait to see what the builder has for us next.

San Tan
Brotherly Nigtht Ride
Me and my Brother set off on Wednesday night since he wanted to night ride, pretty cool to be riding bikes with my brother in the desert! Armed with lights and a sketchy Specialized Myka we spun off into the night with great success. I took him over the sketchy and went on a quick loop and we both came back unscathed. Good to have company out there and my brother did great for being on a bike juts a few times a year.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Brotherly ride
Well my Brother and Mom are in town this week so Monday when the boy went to school and me and my bro went for his first desert bike ride. I took him to Usery since it was the safest bet, it was quite fun even on my wifes specialized Myka. We spun around a good hour and with great company I enjoyed this ride!

Buggy Saturday
Hungry for a Saturday ride, I was awake early and on the trail before 5:30, having Hawes to myself on sun rise. Feeling less ambitious once I started riding I was going to have to push to motivate unfortunately. The morning started off smooth and I was going to mix things up but then decided to take the easy way out and do my standard loop. Slightly defeated I crossed the road where the trouble began, there were millions of little flies hovering the traail. I noticed them on the other side a little but they were quite terrible now. Without sun glasses I was a hopeless victim eventually and uncomfortably caught two in my eye. That set the tone for the rest of the ride as I went into survival mode with my head tilted down to use my visor against them and my eyes squinted, still at slow speed they were smacking my face and entire body. I continued on and finished my loop and after crossing the street they were far less present. But by now I had a very irritated right eye that was growing quickly uncomfortable from bug guts or me trying to get them out. I made the car a little frustrated but in one piece. My eye continued to be very umcomfortable for all day, lesson learned.

Thursday Mess
So on Thursday morning my kiddo woke up not looking great, soon after he awoke he started puking, he was really sick most the morning, it was one mess after another, cleaning himself, clothes and objects. He finally leaned how the puke bucket worked by the time the afternoon came and luckily he seemed to have perked up a bit too. I had to call him out of school and it was going to be a down day for the both of us. In my head I said perfect chance for a night ride, I never look for excuses to do night rides but this one seemed like a good reason. So got lighted up and headed out with just a little bit of desert light as my cranks began turning. It was a fun spin but definitely still have that spook factor still on my mind, even in the desert is doesn't feel less spooky than a heavily wooded tick filled CT.

Gold Monday
Gold canyon was the mission for this monday, still nicer than usual weather and i set off for something a little different. Nothing really stuck out too much on thsi one other than that when I got home I found out a new trail has been added to the stellar Gold Canyon system, called Hoo Doo, I will get out and sample it soon.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Sunday Fun Day
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