Saturday I was a little desperate to get one more ride in this week, unsure of what the trails were going to be like later in the day it was nice to be otu mega early and have the place to myself. We canceled out Vegas trip for next week and got the house stocked up later in the day, now to play it cool this weekend and enjoy family time. I felt like crap on this ride, weak and tired.
Thursday was a big day, as I forsaw our wonderful president addressed the nation on the virus. Like I said wild times are here for now. Basically we are still going to live normalish, the schools are all closed, I bet Landon won't be back for a few weeks or even until spring who knows. The grocery stores got rushed in a mad panic, I am stocked, fueled and ready to go and tackle the challenges ahead. I just hope everyone keeps their cool and we cna stay safe and crush this thing. While I was listening alot of thoughts running thru my head but still had a great ride with some incredible scenery! I hit the grocery store after the ride, it was scary......
This early morning I noticed some new signs are up and running, I did notice a little one saying no ebikes or pedal assist. I kinda chuckled and then thought it was a joke but after thinking about it I realized they are real. I have seen an ebike on every one of the no ebike trails but who cares I guess. I think ebikes are ridiculous for fully capable people but if it's your thing and doesn't affect me oh well. Great ride, not a single rider I think and a rainbow!!!!!!!!!!
Here we go into weeks two of March. Some scary stuff is happenening the Covid 19 virus is spreading along the US and life as we know it is not over but life is going to be disrupted. With my son on spring break and I am pretty sure soon to be extended I am still sneaking rides in. My wife has school so I was out in the early morning. It was refreshing to ride to the sun rise, a little groggy but pedaling just fine sine I do well with mornings. I got greedy and did a healthy 20 miles. Mighty fine morning :)
It was just about 90F on Friday, not wild about any of that business but the heat is trickling in. Landon is on spring break now so this ride went off nice and early, no sunscreen or guilt :)
I was moving a little quicker on Thursday and set some personal records on the salsa, I keep switching bikes so I haven't gotten to push too hard on the Salsa, I find the salsa a solid desceneder and the trek a slightly better climber. Both are so good at doing both!
It's true, snowbirds are by far the most pleasant poeple I come across on the trail or in town. I am generally just fine having to wait for them to move over of I move off the trail for them. I wish more people in the valley were so friendy. I guess if we escaped a normal winter we would be happier too.
The clouds were fluffy and man it was absolutely beautiful out there. I thought I felt a rain drop on my leg and then out of nowhere sprinkles rained down and man it was fantastic.
I made it a goal to photograpgh every flower I could find this day, I was successful, smells pretty dang good out there, tons of bees but they're so friendly.
I had to meet someone in tempe tp sell a laptop a for some reason I had this idea of hitting south mountain for teh corona trail. Myabe all the corona virus talk or what but I found myself feeling good climbing up Mormon and National to get to Corona De Loma. I lowered my seatpost this time for the descent and whoooooo what a difference, no as skethcy and I cleaned 100% of it. Then a nice pleasant pedal along Desert Classic where apparently E bikes are taking over the easiest trails they can find.......I had more miles and time to fill so I went up the road and hit Javalina and Beveryly Canyon, my legs were hurting a bit by now from pushing hard and man what a Wednesday! Back to back silly rides on a silly bike but I lvoed it!
I found myself heading up the Maricopa trail on Tuesday morning, expecting a ton of hikers it was pretty quiet until the pass. The ride to the pass was fun, challenging too. It has been awhile since I have done the loop but today was the day. I made it to the pass and dropped on in, I cleaned all the steeps and had to dab a few places with sharp rocks and corners, I felt bad I just put brand new tire on the Trek and was torturing them. I was very happy to make it down to the trailhead in one piece, not a bright idea on a rigid only cuase of the bumps, my upper body got a workout for sure! I passed a bunch of hikers and into the easy Usery trails I went and back up the mountain on the other side. A speedy descent to the car and that was a ride in itself, but this guy crossed the road and added 8 miles to the ride for some reason....... great stuff nice to finally mix things up.