Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Uncomfortably warm

After enjoing some freezing temperatures we are back in the desert and wow it's warm. I didn't get to ride in Utah so when we got back in the morning I hit the trail at 2pm which was nice time of the day and a bit too warm. The ride felt good, I had pent up steam I needed to get out.

Delicate Arch!

BY now my poor wife was feeling more terrible, but a sunny beautiful day in Moab was not to be wasted. Plan was today to hike delicate arch and that we did, it was as spectacular as I remembered! Landon did the whole thing in crocs. From there we made our way out of the park and showed my wife the Millcreek me and Landon explored. This was our last night in Moab and New years eve, it was really nice getting away for a few nights and very relaxing. bring on 2025!

Canyonlands and more Arches

The next day we drove around Canyonlands enjoying tremendous views and taking it easy as my wife was not feeling well, it was breezy and cold and I loved it. Outstanding views were had all day and thoroughly enjoyed the beauty around us. Hit arches again but ran out of time to do much, another great day!