OK the clouds are here and hopes ar looking up, I questioned bringing my backpack for some reason and figured what the heck I will roll without it, well....... 2.5 miles in the front tire lost it's air. A cacti needle worked it's way in or out and without Stans sealant in the tire it would not seal. Without gear I was forced to do the walk of shame, I opted for a staright shot to the road and after a 20 minute walk along the trails to the road with my bike I stuck my thumb out and got a ride within a minute, what a nice fella who picked me up and dropped me at my car. I decided I would try a tube and ran my finger in the tire only to get poked and bled by two cactus needles and I said screw this and went home to fill the tire with sealant since riding with a tube is pretty useless until you can remove every bit of needle from the tire and I was not going to end up with more than the two pokes that got me already. So new sealnt and a bit frustrated but holding air I went back to ride! The whole ride it held beautifully and I was back on my way!

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