Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bear Flat Provo

It was off early in the morning for another hike before my flight, after an absismal night of almost no sleep I was none the less not going to fail at enjoying the mountains. Started eary and the plan was to go Up the Y and beyond. The legs were hurt, they did'nt want to do much after the days before run down the mountain. The trail was much steeper than I remember and reaching the top of the Y I was the onto a narrow but if trail still going up and up. I was draggin now pretty heavy and was realizing my lofty goals and not feeling as much as I wanted. I reached bear flat and found snow and aspens and winter. Enjoying the nice and cool and had thoughts about summit nearby Y mountain, but ambition had me turn around before that goal and had a slow painful walk down. farewell UT..... for now....

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