Feeling more ambitious than normal I was in desperate need of some spice. With my pass needing renewal and no extra time I looked to South Mountain for a beat down. I changed out my gear for 32x22 and surely it made climbing soon much better up Mormon and onto national. I cruised up it pretty easy to be honest, got to the lookout and dropped into the parking lot to make my way to Corona De Loma. Enjoying my first dose of tech I was feeling slightly off my game and wasn't paying enough attention to how serious the features are. None the less after a few sketchy moments I was down the mountain with a big smile on my face, got to love that on a rigid bike, nothing like it. I guess my brakes are 100% back since I got them contaminated with brake fluid, it took 200 miles but happy to report the oil is all worn off and I did't even need to buy new pads. I will say those stubborn 200 miles had some slippery moments but know I am 35$ richer :)

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