Sunday, June 27, 2021

Utah Baby!!!!!!!!

I made great time on my drive, I left home about 4:45am and rolled into Spanish Fork about 3pm, I gathered some itiems we needed and dropped them off and headed for the trails! I had some time before LuAnn and Landon came in by plane. I went for Payson Canyon to ride the lower trails. It was stinking hot, but I was on cloud 9 out of AZ. It was as I remembered it and figured out the network a little more each time, my favorite spot is the wooded downhill trails, orange gate, noah, etc... I went out on a trail I haven't yet, nothing wild but nice out an back. I was a sweaty mess, more than even UT, I dipped my head into the canal and it was asbolutely refreshing! Next time I will bring a change of clothes and go for a swim after a ride. I got two hours in and went looking for food

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