Monday I had big plans to do the #ilovehawes virtual race fundrasier event. The long track looked appetizing and it was a good excuse to ride some stuff a little differently and see how I stack up. The start to the race started down by the road which was an odd choice. I decided to start at NRA and then make my way down to the begining of the course for bonus miles. I was on the Salsa and thought I had decent pressure in my tires but I quickly realized it wasn't. Too lazy to top off the air I regretably pedaled on and felt the drag and uncomfort of too low air pressure. I was chugging along pretty good on the course and had alot of turns to make to follow it. It was going well and good as I entered into Hawes front side, for my least exciting stetch knows as cardiac hill. I have not rode or hiked up it in a long time, if I wanted it bad enough my ss might just make it but I bailed half way up with lots of course left. With that behind me it was on to Secret, on the downhill I came around a corner hot and that a snake and those infamous rings and I had no time to avoid it so my front tire ran em over and by the time it got under my I cleanly ejected off the bike onto the side of the trail. The snake was as surprised as I was, I took a pic with my bike on top of him and we were on our way. Up and over Twisted Sister and mos the work was done. Still low on tire pressure but fuel in the tank but not feeling quick I flatted on Scorpion DH. I got a pinch flat that punctured the tire at the bead and tread. Tire plug failed so tube went in and holding air the last mile was over quick and thankfully. Then a fast ride up the pavement passing some road bikers. My time was pretty weak, didn't care much about it though. 33rd out of 48.
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