Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Saturdays Rip

I found myself waking to my alarm at 5:50am and I get up in another act of enthusiasm on my bike. Load up the gear and off in the old rodeo we went, up little cottonwood canyon. About halfway up I started not to feel great, something sucked my enthusiasm for a bike ride right out from under me, maybe I was not meant for this ride. I get to the trailhead to ride on one of Utah's most notorious trails The Wasatch Crest. It's dark outside still but the sun will start to show rays soon and I just don't feel good. I drive home, feeling defeated I pull into the house and find my little one is up early so we had a long morning with him. I started to get that itch in my head like what if I could ride, how could I ride. The boys nap rolls around and I got the ok to go on a ride, it's settled I can salvage a ride after all. Hit the trail feeling pretty strong, real eager, all systems are go and the body and bike are performing. It's 66F out and it feels good, theres a strong wind from the south blowing dust and sand all over the valley I can hardly see it. The rain is near and could be any minute, will it be a lot or just a little? I don't care cause I am having a good time and whatever happens will. Tearing up Ann's I pass one rider after another, up Canyon Hollow and still dry. Over to Eagle Crest where I get a view of the south of the valley and things are busy, the rain sprinkles me just a little. Will I make the end of the ride or will I tuck my tail to the pavement and speed home. Nope I continue it's on, get to the top of Rush,  six just entered, 5 are waiting. They see a dude on a rigid un geared coming in hot they say I better get going so I am not behind him. Damn he got ahead of me, I tear into Rush with two tangos on my back, berm after berm they fade, probably scratching their heads on their more capable rigs. I see another rider in sight and he is riding good so I back off with no one behind me. He pulls over and I narrow in on another group of endure looking fools and they pull off. It's just me, having more fun each turn after the other. Rush is over and I am back climbing to get another killer DH run on another trail. At the top of Ghost Falls, let's see how good I can do. Would I be faster with suspension? Give it 90% and feel like I could give it much more but I beat my time on my suspended bike so I will take it. Down to the car but not really ready for it to end but wanting to get back to my family. A killer ride and one of only so many left this month.

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